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Re: Above Ground Rhizome production

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:38 pm
by needmore
Most of the March divisions that I dug have pushed rhizomes well out of the drainage holes and/or through the sides of the pots and are starting to branch and leaf out or are trying to dive into the gaps in the deckboards, your post here reminds me that I need to snip them all off!

Re: Above Ground Rhizome production

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:58 pm
by stevelau1911
With bamboos sitting around on grass or soil, I will typically move them around once in a while to make sure rhizomes aren't trying to escape from the drainage hole. For example, the bushy bicolor that I had on the other post, despite being in a big 15 gallon pot, it was still trying to sneak a fat rhizome down which is why I have it on pavement now as I don't want to cut apart a 15 gallon pot. Looks like those rhizomes go directly for the drainage holes like they have their own mind or something.

Here's the prominens rhizome guided through a drainage hole which will hopefully have enough time to root out nicely in there in the next 2 months.

